This is EDG - Example-based Development of Grammars. It is a system
implemented in Common Lisp for building natural language grammars and
lexicons incrementally and interactively. It uses the general
principles of HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar), as
described in the 1994 book by the same name by Carl Pollard and Ivan
This was developed by Eugene Koontz (
This is version 0.1; there is much more coming and much to do.
For example :
-Networking - the system can listen on a TCP port and parse sentences and
return the parse. The socket code needs to be ported from Allegro
Common Lisp-specific code so that it works portably.
Getting Started with EDG
EDG has been tested and is known to work on two implementations of
Common Lisp :
Start your lisp environment, and try the following steps :
- (load "load-edg")
- (load-all) ;(this step may take a couple of minutes.)
- (in-package english)
- (parse "hiro likes shiva")
- (show (first (first *))
The last step should produce the system's analysis of the sentence "hiro
likes shiva".
XML Usage
EDG supports output in XML. This is useful for web-based applications
that use an XSLT transformation to turn the XML into HTML. For
example, do :
(with-open-file (xmlout "hiro.xml" :direction :output)
(show (first (first (parse "hiro sleeps"))) :as 'xml :stream xmlout))
After doing this, you can process the file
"hiro.xml" with an XSLT processor and a stylesheet. For
example, you can use the Sablotron processor (GPL
licenced) and this stylesheet : type.xsl.
After installing Sablotron, you should be able to the following :
sabcmd doc/type.xsl hiro.xml > hiro.html
The file "hiro.html" may now be viewed with a web browser.
Caution : old web browsers, like Netscape 4, may crash on this file due to
the large amount of nesting tables. Netscape 6, Mozilla, Internet
Explorer 5 and above, and Konqueror seem to work fine.
A paper on this functionality was submitted to the NLPXML-2002
Conference, which I will post here when I get permission from
the organizers.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Eugene Koontz
Last modified: Thu May 16 14:35:37 PDT 2002